Cash for Structured Setlements

Of course you want cash now for your settlement payments. Your structured payments from an insurance annuity just aren’t cutting it. Your need has grown and the time is now to put an end to the financial pressure. Accelerate your future settlement payments and get the cash you need now.
C ash for settlements is available through a court ordered assignment of all, some, or a portion of your future lawsuit payments. Insurance companies will send you letters saying you can’t transfer or accelerate your annuity payments. We know how to make them say, “Yes, here’s your cash.”
When your lawsuit finally settled you accepted the annuity payout option. You would receive payments spread out over time. These payments may have been monthly, annually, lump sums, or a combination. While the settlement as it was structured was satisfactory at the time, things have changed. You would most benefit by having the money now.
Get the cash you need now through a court ordered assignment of your future annuity or settlement payments. An option worth your consideration, we pay Cash for settlements to allow you to be free of the over time payout imposed by your insurance company and the lawsuit. To learn more about your options Contact us at 1 800 509 8528
